My Feeble Attempts at Fictions.
Monday 7 November, 2011

The Wait #Day7

When was the last time you spared a smile at me? When was the last time you bestowed a few minutes at me? When was the last time you read a book to me or shared a cup of coffee? When was the last time you talked about your feelings? When was the last time we stared at moon together or counted stars?
I can't seem to remember.
Everyday, I witness you walk past me, busy in yourself, running errands, in a hurry to reach office. I know its not really your fault. You are busy in making your life better. Get a bigger house, bigger car. May be even a bigger and prettier swing than me.
I hope you do get that all. Only, I will wait for you to have some time for yourself and relax with me.

7 Wisecracks (Comment here):

Pratibha said...

so many of us go through this .. with lovers , partners , and now even friends.. i wish we all could just hit the pause button and enjoy ...

Punkster said...

The modern world, in a bloody bloody hurry.

Richa said...

and our character is in the middle of relationship crisis with his swing :D

Live2cherish said...

i am touched with this one.

Richa said...


Anonymous said...

there are so many of us victims of this disease called greedy or may be just a plain desire to have comfortable life tomorrow we sacrifice our today, and as time passed we forget the impact cz our routine has been stuck on it :) ...

Richa said...

we choose our jobs over our dreams. :)